While on vacation recentl I had the opportunity to see a hypnotist.  If you have never been to see one, it can be quite entertaining as you watch people act out on the suggestions they are given.  In essence they are accepting promptings to create a different reality from what they have been accustomed.  What is interesting to note is that the hypnotist states very clearly at the beginning of the show that the consenting participants are not being manipulated or coerced into doing anything that their own minds will not accept.

As I watched the show, I could not stop thinking about how this was a clear demonstration of how our minds create our reality.  Just as Stephen Covey said in his book – The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People “we do not see the world as it is – we see the world as we are.”

While hypnotism represents in some cases a “gross” exaggeration of one’s reality, it is nonetheless a powerful example of how our minds actually do create reality.  Remember, this reality was created when someone suggested something to their minds while they were in a state to receive it and act on it.  Although the apparent lesson may seem simple – it is really an important one.

You are constantly creating your own reality by what you are telling yourself.  If you continually reinforce that you are successful then you will be, as Henry Ford said – whether you think you can or cannot – you’re right!  You change your reality by what you become conscious of. It really is that simple.  What you become conscious of will effect how you act. For example, if you become conscious of being healthy then you will act like a healthy person.  You may eat better or exercise more or start getting enough rest; just remember you will create what it is to be healthy.

Reality is not something that exists outside of our self.  It can be created when you react to the people, places, situations and circumstances that surround you or you can choose to become conscious of what you want to experience in your life.  In the end, the most important thing that you can do for yourself is to be kind, positive, appreciative and pro-active in what you tell yourself every single day.  Make today and every day the best day ever by telling yourself that it is and it will be.

Ready to create a new reality for yourself?  Visit my Work With Me page to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call. I can help you define your purpose or expand your success now!