Welcome to week three of The Universal Laws of the Mind.  If you have been following along then you know that thoughts are real forces and the law of transmission.

This week’s lesson is one that many are familiar with – THE LAW OF ATTRACTION!  What you need to be aware of is that thoughts that become emotionalized become magnetized and attract more of the same thoughts.

This is the law that most people are familiar with but maybe not in this way. Thoughts that become emotionalized – become magnetized and attract similar and like thoughts. Simply put, if you are emotionally charged whether it be negative or positive then you will attract more of the same thoughts related to that emotion. When you are having one of those days where everything goes wrong, where one thought leads to another and then another and soon enough you see the bad in everything. The reverse is also true when you are having a great day and everything seems to be going right and nothing can bring you down. The truth is that whatever emotions are attached to your thoughts, they will attract more of the same.

Want more?  Visit my blog or schedule a Discovery Call today!  Thank you, John.