A few years back while attending a local community business meeting, I overheard two women discussing their neighbor’s teenage daughter during a break.

They talked about how talented the daughter [let’s call her Tammy] was in sports, how good of a student she was and that she had earned full scholarships to two top collegiate universities.  They then expressed their growing concern for Tammy’s well-being; she had been in and out of anorexic rehabilitation centers most of her teenage life and they were afraid that she would not be able to finish her senior year in High School.

While listening to their emotional fears for this young woman, I felt moved to do something that I really believed would help her situation.  I approached the two women and asked if it would be possible for them to introduce me to Tammy.  I even offered to make a house call.  I assured them that I was not looking to do anything more than have a conversation with Tammy.  They both agreed that they would like to make the arrangement and within two days, I stood before Tammy and her mother in their home kitchen.

When I met Tammy, I handed her John Kehoe’s book Mind Power and asked her if she was going to be an anorexic for the rest of her life and she didn’t hesitate and said “no”.  I was happy to respond back with, “good answer, because like Henry Ford said – whether you think you can or can’t – you’re right!”  I then explained the universal laws of the mind and how we create reality.  I concluded our discussion with encouraging Tammy to start and finish her day with Emile Coue´ famous affirmation: “Every Day In Every Way I am Getting Better and Better. “

I knew when I left Tammy’s home that she got it – by that I mean that she understood that affirmations help you to become stronger, happier and whole.  I never saw Tammy again after that day but I received a text from her nine months later.  In the text she said: “Just wanted to let you know that meeting you was a pretty big turning point in me recovering from my eating disorder.  I just had my last meeting yesterday with my therapist…and I completely recovered from anorexia.  I loved the Mind Power book and I use the exercises every day!  Thanks so much for all your help. T

You never know when a random act of kindness will turn into something really big – like guiding you along a path to find your true purpose in life.  This meeting was life changing for both of us and has touched many lives since.  We all have had experiences that help define and develop our purpose but the real question may be are we aware enough to really see and understand.  This reminds me of Stephen Covey’s famous quote in that we do not see the world as it is but as we are.

My purpose is to be the light on the path to help people who feel lost find their way.  I thoroughly enjoy teaching people the universal laws of the mind and how they can help you transform your life.  Call me for help in transforming your life or please help me by passing this along to someone you know who I can help.  Thanks in advance for supporting my efforts!